with Steven Bernstein and Teddy Kumpel at the Turning Point, Piermont, NY
with the Bobby Deitch Band, Memorial Park, Nyack, NY

home studio
with Rob Reich and Ben Perowsky at the 55 Bar, NYC

with the Concentrics in Astoria, NYC

with the Bendy Effect at Olives, Nyack, NY

with the Bendy Effect, Nyack, NY
with the Cat Dail Band, Putney, VT
with FIG at Maureen's Jazz Cellar, Nyack, NY
Maureen's Jazz Cellar, Nyack, NY

me a couple of years ago
with Dave Reiss and Friends, Casa Del Sol, Nyack, NY

FIG (Frank Colonnato on drums, Scott Hogan on bass)

practicing in the Catskills

JNS at the 55 Bar with Matt Shulman, Toshi Someya, and Eric Halvorson
with Chris Pasin, Erik Lawrence, Marvin Bugalu Smith and Mark Hagan
(and an unnamed melodica player), Old Fashioned, Nyack, NY
Battle of the Bands, Ward Melville H.S., circa 1985
FIG at the Turning Point, Piermont, NY

JNS with Eric Halvorson, Toshi Someya, and Ben Stivers ("Crying and Laughing" band), Freddy's, Brooklyn
Original JNS, from "ONE": Chris Michael, Toshi Someya, and Lars Aakesson

With hilarious Finnish comedian, Ismo, at the Gotham Comedy Club, NYC

Enormous outdoor festival, Catskills

Dithyramb at the 55 Bar: Bob Meyer, Harvey S, Tim Armacost, and me, bent over like I have abdominal cramps. Chris Pasin out of view.

Trail Magic band in NYC during the recording of "Trail Magic." Walter Fischbacher, Aviv Cohen, me, and Christian Howes.

Getting serious with Teddy Kumpel after some recording, Brooklyn, NY.

Post Nyack Halloween Parade with Dave Reiss

My first jazz group in NYC: John Neish, Jim Parrella, and Dave Ruffels (not pictured). Sidewalk Cafe, East Village.

Chance Provincetown run-in with drumming legend and occasional partner in musical crime, Ray LeVier.

home studio

with Eric Halvorson and JNS, 55 Bar, NYC

At Cornelia St Cafe, NYC

Me and Curly